Organic Buckwheat Husk Pillows

The Buckwheat Husk Pillow has therapeutic properties, relieving pain by allowing the neck and spine to be fully supported all night. The moveable husks make it easy to change the position of support under your neck, by altering the amount where needed. As you move, the husks shift naturally with your own head and neck movements, giving you continued support.

With the Pure Earth buckwheat husk pillow, many people have found lasting relief from sleeplessness, neck and back pain, headaches, snoring, muscle tension, TMJ syndrome, and other discomforts. All this combined with the thermodynamic nature of the pillow keeping your head at a constant normal temperature, means substantially less tossing and turning. Many people report waking up in the same position they went to sleep in. Most say they sleep better, are more comfortable and wake up more alert than they ever have before.